

I have a passion for working with brands and organizations that need to visually convey the beauty of the their ideas. Since 2009 I’ve made it my life to understand the bridge between technology and art. From that, I found that creating digital solutions that range from designing for web apps, email marketing, social media, videos, websites and more are the intersection between the two mediums. So with every project I have the opportunity to be involved with, I always ask myself several questions:

  • “How can I understand my clients idea and make it understandable to a target audience if words didn’t exist?”
  • “How are most viewers engaging with digital content?”
  • “What can I do to make sure the audience gets to see the content I create in the fastest most convenient way?”
  • “How will my effectiveness with delivering be tracked or quantified?”

I believe it is important to make sure I’m cognizant of these questions with every different project I take leadership in. Because this is my passion and obsession, its the sole reason why I create and create the way I do.

I live to talk about ideas, so if you have a project lets talk. ; )

-Lebbaeus Davidson

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